Meet our Lead :
AL. Ramesh Kumar
Enjoy the spice of the spaces that articulate your vision and dreams with the Coolest Architect ALRK, who redefines the design boundaries as the sky is the limit. Dive into his portfolio where creativity meets functionality, shaping spaces that resonate with modern aesthetics. Explore his coolest architectural visions, where every blueprint tells a unique story of style, sustainability and unparalleled vision. Welcome to A DESIGN STUDIO where imagination meets precision.
ALRK was earlier associated with leading architectural and interior, design management firms including L&T with extensive exposure in Hospitality, Health Care, Retail, Commercial Projects, Group Housing and Residential buildings.
Architects and other engineers meeting to improve the learning and collaboration between one another
Crafting dreams into structures, fostering innovation, and creating spaces where creativity thrives – that’s the architectural masterpiece we’re building every day. #ArchitectureInnovators
Registered Architect
Council of Architecture, India.
Registered Architect
Metropolitan Development Authority.
Metropolitan Development Authority.
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